HomeOur ServicesHome Care Services
…clients an affordable outing while maintaining daily care, with support from qualified and experienced staff. Disability services mecwacare has many years of experience in caring for people with a disability…
HomeAbout Us
…and residents are central to care planning and delivery, enabling a flexible and responsive transition through our services. mecwacare will provide inclusive care and services, based on respect for the…
…need, behaviour management plans, cognitive capacity to provide you with healthcare, aged care or disability services; and Additional personal information that you provide to us, directly or indirectly, through your…
HomeServicesBallan Health And Care Services
…to the Bloom Hearing website. Hours Appointments are available every first Tuesday of the month, 9.00am -4.00pm, from Ballan Allied Health Services at 166 Inglis Street, Ballan. Bookings To make…
HomeNews And Events
27 August 2021 Not-for-profit aged care and disability services provider mecwacare is delighted to announce that it has acquired Ballan District Health and Care, west of Melbourne. This valuable addition…
HomeNews And Events
…Gully and other mecwacare services www.mecwacare.org.au -ENDS- About mecwacare: mecwacare is a not-for-profit, leading provider of aged care and disability services in Victoria. We have been giving compassionate, respectful and…
HomeOur ServicesCommunity Services
…at our day centres and in the community. These groups include activities, outings, gentle exercise, entertainers, music, craft, guest speakers, quizzes and discussions. Services are delivered by professionally trained, caring…
HomeSupport Us
…living, community and disability services, in-home care and nursing, and social support services. Partnering with Play for Purpose will allow mecwacare to implement specialist dementia services. Your support makes it…
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