Affordable Housing

Our affordable housing is thoughtfully designed to provide comfort, safety, and independence for people over 65 or those living with a disability on a low income.

With 89 residential units across Beaumaris, Glen Iris, and Sandringham, we offer a supportive community environment, well-maintained gardens, and inviting communal spaces. Eligible residents enter a Tenancy Agreement under the Department of Human Services concessional rent allowance.

P 03 8573 4963 / E

Secure, affordable, long-term rental accommodation

Another part of our work, supporting the elderly and vulnerable in our community.

mecwacare’s affordable housing program offers secure, affordable, long-term rental accommodation for people who are socially and/or financially disadvantaged and who may be at risk of homelessness.

Residents live under a tenancy agreement, with eligibility and rent calculated in accordance with the Victorian Government public housing criteria.

Each complex provides a private space and shared garden, which fosters social opportunities. We hope that by providing quality, affordable housing for people experiencing difficulties or at risk of homelessness, this burden will be eased.

mecwacare’s units are disability and ageing-friendly, allowing residents to live independently for many years. mecwacare offers care and support services into the home, including Home Care Packages clinical assessments, medication and wound management, as well as support with personal care, such as showering, dressing and grooming.

All units are carpeted and include a stove and heating, with their own living and dining room, separate kitchen and bathroom/laundry. Some units have private courtyards and other have their own front and rear gardens.

All complexes are close to shops and public transport.


Am I eligible?

Applicants must be a minimum of 55 years of age, be able to live independently and be eligible for rent assistance, as determined by the Department of Human Services.

How do I apply?

Applicants must submit a completed affordable housing application form, along with the requested documentation to mecwacare. Once the application has been approved, the applicant will be placed on a waiting list and contacted as soon as a unit becomes available.

How many units does mecwacare have?

mecwacare has a total of 89 units: 54 in Glen Iris, 27 in Sandringham and 8 in Beaumaris. Note: the majority of these units are one bedroom only, with the exception of 11 Elm Road in Glen Iris, where there are 10 two-bedroom units.

How is the rent and bond calculated?

Rent is charged at a rate determined by mecwacare and is not calculated on the individual income of tenants. As a condition of the National Rental Affordability Scheme, rent on the units at Sandringham and 7 Elm Road, Glen Iris cannot exceed more than 80 per cent of market rental value.

A bond equivalent to four weeks’ rent is payable upon allocation of a unit and is then lodged with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority. mecwacare reviews rents on an annual basis.

Who is eligible?

Anyone over the age of 65, or living with a disability, who meets the Department of Health and Human Services’ eligibility criteria for a concessional rent allowance.

To apply for a place in one of mecwacare’s affordable housing units click below.

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