A simple belief underpins Kathryn Hunter’s reputation as an aged care “young gun”.
“Residents who come into our care do not move into ‘our workplace’, we work in ‘their home’, she says.
This ability to see aged care from all sides is part of the compassionate vision she brings as one of the new generation of aged care leaders.
Kathryn is refreshingly clear-eyed. “Aged care is a hard gig! it’s exhausting, its complicated, its emotionally and physically taxing at times, however, it’s also amazing, rewarding and an absolute privilege, residents and families are letting us in to their lives, to care for them,” she says.
A Facility Manager, Kathryn is an authentic and dynamic young person making a name for herself in a profession she loves. Even her facility tours make big impressions.
Kathryn started at mecwacare 8½ years ago as an enrolled nurse and a unit supervisor at Noel Miller Centre before coordinating day-to-day care and running of Rositano House.
Typically, when Kathryn had to work through Rositano’s renovation she turned it into a learning experience, seeing the necessity of keeping people in the loop.
“Ensuring clear communication with residents, families, management and colleagues provides a level of trust and understanding,” she says.
After completing her nursing degree, assisted by a Board scholarship, Kathryn was offered the role of clinical manager at the 100-bed Malvern Centre. It was a priceless opportunity to consolidate her skills in a larger facility.
The next leap was her appointment at Vincent House. Her two years there have sharpened her appreciation for leading by example.
Clinical care and being a “hands on” facility manager are her passion. She is constantly seen on the floor, to the delight of residents and their families and staff. In her rounds, she is proud of how often she sees staff responding to encouragement to think “outside the box” .