Expression Exhibition

On Thursday September 21, several members of Rivendell House’s social support program attended the Cardinia Cultural Centre to view the community’s inaugural Expression Exhibition.

Held from August 4 to September 24, the exhibition showcased various artworks of local people with different conditions and disabilities. The pieces were created over several weeks by different client groups, often with collaboration among the groups.

A range of mediums was displayed, and the beautiful creations made by mecwacare clients varied from timber and doily collages on canvas to handmade shelves, hessian and cotton collaged onto timber bases to wooden planes and wheelbarrow creations, and carefully colored icy pole sticks placed purposefully in patterns inside a painted, handmade frame.

The timber used was all recycled, much of it either fence palings or offcuts from the woodwork shed. The canvases were reused – old, unwanted art which were painted over to give life to new works, while the various intricate doilies were sourced from op shops.

Lisa Cartmel, Rivendell House’s Centre Manager, was thrilled with the involvement of her clients in this community initiative.

“Our clients all work well on individual projects, but it’s times like this that they flourish – when it comes to collaborative projects,” Lisa said.

“The art projects we do at Rivendell House aren’t just for fun. They provide mental, emotional, and physical support to clients, who can make friends and socialize where they wouldn’t often get to chat with others.”

With feedback from clients and their families resoundingly positive, staff at Rivendell House have already begun planning their next project with plans being formed to hold an exhibition event at Rivendell House.

We are so proud of our Rivendell House artists and their hard work and cannot wait to see what they can achieve in the future.

Photo: Our proud Rivendell house clients.

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