mecwacare Squires Place has partnered with Guardian Altona North to launch an intergenerational program that connects our aged care residents with kindergarten children.
Daphne receives regular visits from Gurveer, a volunteer through the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS).
This International Women’s Day, we recognise the importance of taking meaningful action to advance gender equality.
This week we were proud to announce our groundbreaking partnership with Australian robotics company Andromeda to introduce Abi, an Australian-first humanoid companion, across our 22 aged care homes.
Media release: mecwacare acquires new aged care facility in Long Gully, Bendigo.
Subscribe to mecwacare Matters, a quarterly publication packed with the latest news about daily life at mecwacare.
Enjoy an afternoon of live music, food, and entertainment for the whole family at our Mother's Day Market!
Media release: mecwacare appoints SJ Higgins Group as new construction partner to deliver $30 million Ballan aged care redevelopment project.
This International Day of People with Disability, we invite you to join us for an afternoon of fun!
Graeme's level of independence and connection to his local community has been strengthened since he started receiving home care services from mecwacare.
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